Friday, November 14, 2008

no more v/d please

I am tired. This new clinic is busy. Vomiting dogs are all the rage these days. Diarrhea is a close second. Shane is moving to Denver tomorrow and that makes me very sad. On a happier not, my brother will be visiting from California next weekend.
Yay for family fun.
I miss Athens, and sleeping...

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Movin' on

It is official...I have a new job! I will be joining Peachtree Animal Hospital on July 1. It will be a much needed change. The Guide Dog Foundation is also starting a cell dog program at another prison in August and I will be involved in that as well. I miss Athens :( Played in a tennis tournament this weekend and am sore everywhere!!!! Otherwise there is not a lot going on :)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

we have been slow at work lately and I thought "why not blog"...things are good. I moved (again) but only a mile away from where I was. My first class from Metro State Prison graduated this past week...dogs and inmates alike. The AJC ran an article about it but there weren't many pictures. The new class has already started...14 inmates and 10 8 week old pups! My sister's baby shower was last month. She is having a boy.My other sister's wedding shower is next month. I have had no showers. Not the kind that end up with many gifts, anyway...
I hope all is well with everyone. I miss Athens, especially as it gets warmer. I especially miss outside beer at The Globe...

goin' back to cali

goin' back to cali
my brother moved to california...i'm gonna miss this face!!!